Deliverance in the Dust

Amazing and incredible do not begin to describe the change in body and life I experienced crawling in the dust on a road outside Capernaum. I had suffered pain, revilement, sorrow, embarrassment and isolation for twelve years. The flow of blood from my body, which would have been normal one week a month, had become a curse which labeled me as "unclean." I could not go to the synagogue to hear the Word of God read. I could not commune with others in the market or at the well. Members of the community who were strict about the purity laws would neither have anything to do with me, nor allow others to visit me. During that time I had believed and trust, and been disappointed and taken advantage of by many physicians and purported healers. In my loneliness I cried and besought God to have mercy on me, a child of his chosen people, the children of Israel.

I awoke that morning believing I had heard a clear, calm voice say, "Daughter, wake up. For today is the day of your deliverance. Your cries to the Father have been heard, and today you shall be made whole. Get up, dress for travel, and set out upon the road from the Sea of Galilee to the city of Capernaum. On that road you will find a crowd following a man. It is He who will set you free."

With a hope (confident expectancy) I could neither explain nor justify, I got out of bed and dressed quickly. With the Sun just peeking over the horizon, I set out to seek a man I had never seen, but somehow knew I would recognize the moment I came into his presence. I was not acting on impulse, but on guidance I was certain came from God himself. I did not think I would be healed that day; rather, I knew in my heart that what had been told to my spirit by the Spirit of God was true. And my heart was filled with joy.

At mid day I came upon a crowd traveling almost as one joined mass of flesh. My body tingled and my soul rejoiced with the knowledge that the man I sought was at the center of that crowd. But how would I get close enough to touch him; for I knew, just as I knew in my heart that he would heal me, that all I need do is touch his garment. And yet it seemed there was not an inch of space between all those who pressed around him. It was then that I decided to get down on my hands and knees and crawl through the legs of the others toward my goal.

With kicks and curses from those arrogantly unaware of the freedom to enjoy the company of others, I painfully and slowly made my way through the forest of legs. Sandals stepped on my old, wrinkled hands while the spit of indignation sprinkled my head. But still I pressed forward with the determination of one who knew beyond all doubt that the reward would far out value the cost. And then I saw it. I have no idea how I knew. Perhaps it was the same voice that had awoken me with tidings of great joy that morning. And so I raised my right arm and stretched my trembling hand out toward the shining white garment.

The moment the tip of my right index finger touched that marvelous cloth I felt a tingling of energy rush through my arm and spread throughout my body. At once I felt strong rather than weak, and stood up unafraid of the eyes of those around me. With a giddiness like that of having drunk too much old wine, the sun dazzling my eyes as if I had just emerged from years in a cave, and the smell of air as fresh as the first day of creation in my nostrils, my heart and soul sang out with praise to God. I was free of my affliction. More than that, I was a new creature. It was like I had been re-born to begin life over as a fresh, happy child of God, my Father, Abba. I stood in the road with tears filling my eyes and streaming down my face as the crowd moved on around me.

Lost in my private prayers and thanks to God, I did not realize that the crowd has ceased it undulating movement along the road. The man at the center was inquiring of his companions of whom had touched him. They seemed quite bemused at the question due to the size of the crowd. But he was quite certain that someone had purposefully touched him. He said he had felt healing power flow from him. Someone, he said, had touched his garment. And then he looked right at me. As our eyes met, I knew he knew what I had done and what I was feeling; and I fell at his feet and confessed to him all that I had experienced that day.

With a kindness I had never know and a love I knew I would carry from that day forth he said to me, "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." And with a smile and a nod, he turned his face back toward his destination; and he and the crowd moved on. While I continued to marvel at what had happened. I remained at that spot until the sound of the multitude faded away, and then returned to my home.

Having known pain and sorrow, I am quick to comfort. Having been alone for so long, I am quick to visit those who are shunned. Knowing the unfathomable grace of God and the healing power of prayer, I offer my hands to those who are afflicted in any way. In this way I remember him who glorified his Father the day he delivered me from living death as I knelt before him in the dust.

May the grace of God, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you. Amen.


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