A New Beginning

I am not certain why, but I sense I am entering into a new phase in my life. The way I spend my free time, the things that interest me, and the things that I am loosing interest in are all changing. The changes are slow and suptle, but I do sense a change, none the less. I suppose it is a matter of growth and maturity, especially in my fainth and understanding of scripture and Christian theology. I have been reading two seminary level text books recently. As a result of that reading and thinking, my understanding of the Word of God is deeping and growing stronger. That, in turn, is have an effect on the rest of my life. I am not sure where all this is heading at this point, but I feel quite certain that the new year will bring some changes. And some of those might be signifigant. We shall just wait to see what God has in store for me. Whatever it is, praise God!


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