Chosen and Established

Scripture reference: 1 Chronicles 28:6-7

Throughout the Bible we see proof that those who end up in positions of authority under God are chosen by him, they do not volunteer. God selects those he wishes to serve Him and carry out his plans according to his purpose. It is his wisdom which decides who will do what job for him, and not the wisdom of man. God chose Noah and his family to be the remnant of humanity to survive His disgust with mankind. He chose Abraham and his seed to receive His promise of salvation for mankind. God chose Joseph to save His chosen people from starvation. He then chose Moses to lead His people to the promised land. God went on to chose a variety of judges to guide His chosen people. And then when they requested a King, God chose Saul. When Saul turned away from God, He chose David to lead the people. And now in our reference scripture, God chooses Solomon to be Israel's greatest King, and the builder of His house. In every one of these lives, it is God who choose the man; not the man who choose God.

In Romans 8:30 Paul tells us that God decided before the foundation of the universe whom He would choose, and them he also calls. Once called, God justifies them; and those He justifies he also glorifies. This is born out in the lives of all of those mentioned above. From Noah to Solomon these men were chosen, called, justified and then glorified by God to serve Him according to his plans and purpose. None of these men became great by making their own plans for a purpose of their own determination.

Our reference scripture also tells us that once God has chosen someone for a job, He establishes that person in the position required to accomplish the task. And He will maintain that person in the assigned position as long as the chosen one continues to live by God's commandments and judgments. This fact is made painful clear in the lives of Moses and Saul. Both men lost favor with God by not continuing in following His commandments and judgments. As a result, Moses was not allowed to enter into the promised land. And Saul was given an evil spirit to torment him, and then died in battle along with his son. His kingship was taken from him by God and given to David. It was David, a man after God's own heart, whose kingdom was continued to the last King of the Jews, Jesus. That was David's reward for keeping God's commandments and judgments.

Each Christian is first chosen and then called by God according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) Once the Christian answers the call from God, he is justified by the blood of Jesus, in whom the chosen has faith, which is a gift of the grace of God. In each step, it is God who first choose His servant, and then establishes him through Jesus Christ, for His glory. The advantage we have over the chosen servants of the Old Testament is that we get help in keeping God's commandments and judgments. We get a personal counselor to strengthen and guide us in God's ways. Therefore as long as we continue to live a life led by the Holy Spirit, and do not decide to be driven by the ways of the world and the lusts of the flesh, which are idolatry, we will be established forever in God's kingdom. This is a promise all the lives mentioned above prove. God has made it quite clear that He is always true to His word. And for those who keep God's Word, they are established in His kingdom, sharing in His glory along with Christ Jesus, for all eternity.

The Christian today, having been adopted as a true child of God and brother of Jesus Christ, is a full heir to the kingdom begun long ago with David. As God chose and called David, and then his son, Solomon, and established their kingdom forever, we who are of the chosen and called of God, are established in His kingdom. And, as David and Solomon lived in the glory of God, so shall we share in the inheritance of Christ, which is the glory of God. For the ultimate purpose of choosing and establishing the elect of God is to proclaim to all the world His glory. In this we share with Christ and all those other great servants of God. And with them we shall give praise, honor and glory to God in His presence forever.

May the grace and glory of God be with you always. Amen.


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