Elements of Christian Success
The Bible gives us instructions on what a Christian is, what a Christian does, and how to successfully live the Christian life. I would like to suggest seven elements of Christian success.
- COMMITMENT - Luke 9:57-62; Jesus indicates that we must be completely committed to following him. We must be willing to cast off all the elements of this earthly life, including family and concern for such normal earthly things like a regular home. And once we had made the commitment which must not look back. For Jesus warns that such an individual is not fit for the kingdom of God.
- DEDICATION - Romans 12:1-2; Paul urges us to offer our bodies (our hands to reach out to the poor, our arms to embrace the down trodden, our lips to speak the words of God) as living sacrifices, for this is our duty of spiritual worship.
- BOLDNESS - Acts 5:40-42, Acts 28:31; Peter and Paul were flogged and told to stop preaching Jesus, and went right on preaching with joy that they had been counted worthy of suffering for His name. Paul was being held under guard in a small house in Rome while awaiting trial before Caesar; and even in those circumstances he "boldly preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."
- PREPARATION - Acts 13:3; Fasting, prayer, and the laying on of hands of the congregation prepare people to go forth and proclaim the Word of God.
- SUBMISSION - James 4:7-8; If we completely submit ourself to God, Satan will flee, and the Holy Spirit will abide with us.
- KNOWLEDGE - Romans 10:17; The knowledge we need to have the kind of faith required to be successful Christians come from hearing (and reading) the Word of God.
- WILLINGNESS - Luke 22:42; Jesus prayed to his Father and asked that, if he (God) be willing, that the cup of sacrifice be taken from him. But Jesus made it clear that he was willing to do the Father's will. This is the willingness we must show to Christ to share in the Glory which his Father bestows on him because of his willingness.