Good News

The Greek word evangelion comes from the the two Greek words eu- for "good," and angelion for "message." So the word evangelism literally means telling the good message or good news. And what is the good news? It is also know as the Gospel. The gospel is good news because it witnesses a saving message about God from God. The message that He loves all mankind so much, and wants so badly to be reconciled to man, that He presented his only Son to be a substitutionary sacrifice to pay the debt of our sins. It is a message of a full pardon from condemnation and freedom from the sentence of death that accompanies that condemnation. It is a promise of life. And not just the existence of being in this world with all its ugliness and unhappiness; but abundant life filled with a deep abiding joy and an unexplainable peace. A life filled with the Holy Spirit now, and lived with God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for all eternity. It is a message that we do not have to be the slaves of the ruler of this world, the powers and principalities of darkness, Satan. It is a message that we can be freed for enslavement to sin and death; forever set free by the grace of God through the blood of Christ Jesus. This is the good news.

So, to be an evangelical means quite literally "one who tells or proclaims the good news." The "good news." Not the "bad news." Not, "Hey, you disgusting person, you're going to Hell." But instead, "Hey, you sad, hurting, lonely, lost person, God loves you." That is the "good news." And that is what all of us who call ourselves Christians should be known for. Constantly telling those poor, sad, hurting, lonely, lost people around us in our daily lives that God loves them. Making it clear to them that His saving love is a free gift which they do not have to pay for or earn. For the price of the gift has already been paid for by Jesus Christ. All anyone has to do to receive the gift of salvation is accept the fact that the existence they now experience it not life, is not something they are satisfied with and really want; be willing and wanting to give up that existence completely and totally; admit that they do indeed have a heavy debt of sin they cannot pay for; and accept in their heart and confess with their tongue that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the one who can give them a new life. Once they make that decision and ask Jesus to take their old life away and give them a new one, they will be born again, and become a new creation. And that is really good news.

So, be bold. Be brave. Go forth and tell the world (your neighborhood, your work place, your school) the good news of Jesus Christ.


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