Bad Place? Trust God!

In Jeremiah 29:4-14 God sends a message to the Israelites in Babylon, and to us. It is a message of hope (confident expectation) based on our patience and trust in God. It tells us that the place we are in is where God wants us to be. It is part of his great plan and design, and he has made us a part of it.

Think of this. You are in a job you don't really like. It is not what you dream of, but it provides for all your needs. And at the time you got the job you really thought it was God's doing. Or perhaps you are in a relationship that is not all you dreamed or wished for. It has difficulties and hardships, but it does provide something you need. Maybe you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker or brother at church you have to deal with, but he is not all you would like to have in an associate. You see problems, difficulties, and do not see the things you long for. So the situation looks bad. But is that because you are only looking at the situation from your perspective; through your eyes, and not seeing it as part of God's plan?

When the Israelites found themselves captives in Babylon you can imagine that they immediately began thinking of leaving. They had no intentions of making plans for a long stay. But that is exactly what God tells them to do. He tells them to settle into the situation and make the very best of it they possibly can. In verse 5 God tells the Israelites in Babylon to "build homes and plan to stay." They are not to be spending their time wishing for something better and thinking about the day they will leave where they are and go for their dreams. They are to trust in God, and patiently go about the business of making the most of what he has given them for the moment. He tells them they will be there "for a lifetime." But then he will come for them and do all the good things he has promised. (v. 10) He lets them know that he "has plans for good and not for evil, to give (them) a future and a hope." (v. 11)

So when you find yourself in a situation that is not all you dream of, remember that God is in control, and he has good plans for you. Trust in him, and rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you in making the very most you possibly can of your circumstances. That will give glory to God, and demonstrate your trust in and love for him. And for that you will be greatly rewarded by His infinite goodness and amazing grace.

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you. Amen.


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