A New Life

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Romans 6:4 (NIV)

The resurrection of Jesus accomplished three things for us. First, it was God's sign that he accepted Jesus' atoning sacrifice for our sins; his sin offering to God that our sins might be counted as paid and forgotten. In this way we went from being enemies of God to friends of God. We went from being the foul things righteous God could not even look upon, let alone allow into his presence, to being able to stand in his presence in joy and peace. By the blood of Jesus on the cross we were transformed from accursed strangers separated from God by our own wickedness, to being precious adopted children of God. (Romans 5:1-2)

The second great thing Jesus' resurrection does for us is free us from the power of death. Even though our Earthy body of flesh will perish, death has no power to claim us. And, like Christ, we too shall one day arise from the grave and ascend into heaven to live forever with our Lord and King. This could not have been possible without Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Through his physical death, burial, and then resurrection, "he led captivity captive," and thus set us free from the captivity of death. (Ephesians 4:8)

The third thing Jesus did for us by dying and then being resurrected was make it possible for him to send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be with us. (John 16:7) This is our guarantee and assurance that we are saved from eternal death; that Christ will return for us; that we do have a place in our Father's kingdom where we shall live with him forever. We also have the benefit of the guidance, power, and peace which the Comforter gives to those who belong to Christ. It is a great gift now, and a foretaste of what awaits us in the next life.

All three of these elements work together in us to give us a new life. A life different from what the world offers. A abundant life of real joy beyond the simple carnal pleasures of the earthly life. And a peace with the world cannot give and cannot comprehend. A life that is for now, with some of the benefits Christ can provide; and a life forever with the fullness of all that the Father will give us through the Son, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

May God's blessings be upon you.


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