First Sorrow, Then Joy

"I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy." John 16:20

Jesus was talking to his disciples about the three days between his death and resurrection, but he was/is also talking to us. Jesus knew that his crucifixion and the reaction of those who hated him and his message would cause his apostles great pain, while the priests and Pharisees rejoiced that the trouble maker was finally gone. He also knew that there would be days for us when being one of his followers would cause us pain and hardship, and the world would mock us and rejoice in our distress. But as the day of Jesus' resurrection brought great joy to his apostles and close disciples, so his presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit provides us with joy and peace the world does not understand. And, as Paul says in Romans 8:18, "the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Which is to say that no matter how much we may suffer for Christ in this age, the glory we shall share with Christ in the next age will bring us joy beyond anything we can imagine. And for those who rejoice now at our present discomfort, their sorrow and pain shall know neither bound nor end.

So a little suffering now; and compared to eternity, it is like a length of three days. And then the joy that last eternity. Praise God!

May his peace be with you.


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