Out of the Wilderness

The book of Joshua begins with the people of Israel finally leaving the wilderness and entering into the land which the Lord had promised to their fathers. For forty years they had gone around in circles learning to trust the Lord for everything they need. Now it was time to go forth and practice what they had learned and prosper from it.

Yesterday, after having attended a Bible study the night before where the pastor taught on this subject, the Holy Spirit told me that it was time for me to stop going in circles at the job I had, and leave for the better land he has in store for me. I always knew I was in the position I was in to learn certain things, like patience and tolerance and the meaning of being long suffering. Now the Lord was indicating it was time to leave the wilderness of the job I was in, and move out in faith into the new land of life he has planned for me. It is a little scary not knowing where I am going, but it is also exciting. And there is also a certain hard-to-explain joy in knowing the Lord has something special planned for me that will allow me to share in His glory. I know that, whatever it is, it is part of His plan and will be good for me. After all, "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28 KJV)

So, I am now on the cusp of new adventures. I go forward not knowing exactly where I am going or what to expect. But I go forth with the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is with me. He will guide me, advise me, and give he strength and courage. Praise God!

May the peace of God be with you.


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