He is Depised and Who Cares.

We now know that the person the prophet Isaiah is speaking of in chapter 53:1-3 in Christ Jesus. He knew he was speaking of the Messiah God had promised would eventually come to free the world from the ruler of this domain, Satan. And Isaiah also knew that mankind would still rather follow their lusts, and would not care for this man of God. He knew man would turn his back on the Christ, and even despise him for the things he says and represents.

This is one of the passages of the Bible that shows clearly how little man has changed over the millenniums. We still prefer the attractions of this world, and tend to find what Christ offers unattractive. The world tells us we should have it our way, and Christ tells us we should have it God's way. The world tells us to plan for tomorrow; Christ tells us not to worry about tomorrow, and trust God. The world tells us to put ourself, our needs, or desires first; Christ says that we should put ourself last, to be the servant of all others. The world says that things like abortion, being homosexual, women's liberation, and pornography are all God given rights. Christ tells us these things are of a carnal mind which is enmity to God. And speaking of the things Christ says causes people to despise you and they despise Him. They will turn their backs on you, and not care what happens to you.

Clearly the message of the Bible is just as vital and real as it was thousands of years ago. God is still sending his message of grace and reconciliation through Christ Jesus, and the world still turns it's back and does not care. But that does not mean we should not care. It is just as important for us to proclaim the message of salvation through God's chosen one as it was for Isaiah and John the Baptist. Even though we will be despised by the world as His message is despised, and people will not care for us, we must continue to proclaim God's word boldly and without hindrance. And not just by word of mouth, but by our actions. We must demonstrate God's grace and Christ's love to those who despise him and turn their backs on him and don't care. In this way we give glory to God, and allow the saving power of his love flow into us as it flows to those God is calling. By continuing to proclaim His love in our words and deeds, we continue to receive power and grace from Him. For as Paul said to the Romans, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." (Romans 15:4 KJV)

Therefore, be bold; be brave; and let His voice, the voice of truth, be heard loud and clear.

May the grace and peace of God be with you. Amen.


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