Teach the Children

Proverbs 22:6 advises us, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it." This is universally good advise for all peoples in all ages. Unfortunately the news today indicates that it is being ignored. As we begin the day we are receiving two pieces of disturbing news about children. There is the news that at least 1 in 4 teen girls has a sexually transmitted disease. The Bexar County Medical Examiner says it is probably worse here in San Antonio. He tells us that children have their first sexual experience by the time they are fourteen years old. And many girls are getting mouth infections from having oral sex with multiple boys. All of these health problems will most like cause life long difficulties, including infertility. In addition to this sad condition comes the news that the Energy Drink, Red Bull, causes tooth decay. It is estimated that many teens are drinking three Red Bulls a day, and run the risk of suffering from severe tooth loose by the time they are in their late twenties.

It is clear that there is a need for a strong Youth Ministry in our communities. The civil authorities, school officials, and law makers will not be able to provide our society's children with what they need for a good life. For life, real life, comes from God through Christ Jesus. Only by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior in their lives can today's children be saved from the life destroying ways of this present evil age. And as servants of Jesus, it is our duty to rescue the youngest of Christ's little lost sheep. This should become a top priority for todays church.

As man is not wise enough to know exactly how to fight the Evil One who is trapping and stealing the children, we must devote prayer and meditation to this need. We need to focus on asking for and receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we may save those whom God has chosen. Let us all make a commitment to be God's instruments in saving the children, and train them up in the ways of life in Christ.

May God bless you.


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