Justice Fulfilled

Good Friday is the day we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as payment for man's sins. It was God's way of displaying his righteousness by being both just and the justifier. (Romans 3:26)

Man had proven through The Law that he is incapable is justifying himself and achieving righteousness. And the sins of man demanded the penalty of death. So, God out of his gracious love for man, and his own righteousness, decided to offer one pure sacrifice to atone for all of man's sins once and for all. The choice he made was his own, only begotten son.

Through his death on the cross, the lowliest and most degrading way you can die, Jesus became the atoning sin offering for all who will accept him through that faith which itself is a gift of the the grace of God. Through him we are justified in the eyes of God, and have access to his love, power, and life forever. We receive as a free gift that which we could never attain through our own effort.

On this day, let us remember what God has done for us. Let us contemplate the great mystery that he has always wanted us to be his true children and a part of his family. We had strayed, but we did not have to earn our way back into his household. Instead, God made the way for our return to his kingdom. There, dwelling with him in our hearts and in his presence latter, we have peace and joy that nothing can take away.

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you.


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